Is SYF 2021 cancelled?

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We are a group of professional videographers and musicians with over 10 years of experience recording concerts and performances. We are here to provide our experience to record high quality SYF 2021 performances in the event that SYF 2021 is cancelled due to Covid-19

If you like to get in touch with us, simply go to the contact page.

Is SYF 2021 cancelled? In view of the impact of COVID-19 on CCA, SYF 2021 AP has been modified to enable schools to participate based on the level of student readiness and in alignment with the prevailing Safe Management Measures (SMM). AP requirements have been adjusted to allow students to work towards an attainable level of performance.

– Band Post 25th October 2020 (Article Published by Band Post)

Singapore Youth Festival 2021: Arts Presentation
for (Secondary School & Junior College / Centralized Institute Levels)

Secondary School Bands & Ensembles

29 March – 14 April (Weekdays only)
Venue: TBC / 9.30 am – 6.00 pm

Junior College / Centralised Institute (JC/CI) Bands & Ensembles

28 April – 7 May
Venue: TBC/ 9.30 am – 6.00 pm

Festival Details


Band (Flexible Band): A reduced concert band setting with flexible instrumentation of up to 20 winds (combination of brass and woodwind instruments) and any number of percussion instruments as long as the total group size is no more than 30.[This new Flexible Band sub-category provision is in view of Safe Management Measures (SMM) for COVID-19.]

Band (Brass Ensemble): Any combination of instruments from the brass family of the concert band, up to 20 players. No percussion instruments are allowed.

Band (Percussion Ensemble): Any combination of instruments from the percussion section of the concert band, up to 24 players.

Band (Woodwind Ensemble): Any combination of instruments from the woodwind family of the concert band, up to 20 players. No percussion instruments are allowed.


Sub-categoryNo. of masked performersNo. of unmasked performersTotal No. of performersSafe distancing
Band (Flexible Band)Up to 10, including conductor, if applicableUp to 20Up to 30, including conductor, if applicableSeated / Standing≥ 1m apart (masked)≥ 2m apart (unmasked)
Band (Brass Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble)1 conductor, if applicableUp to 20Up to 21, including conductor, if applicable
Band (Percussion Ensemble)Up to 25, including conductor, if applicableN.A.Up to 25, including conductor, if applicable

Schools must adhere to the number of participants stated. Should a revision to national SMM guidelines impact participation numbers, AEB will advise schools accordingly while giving a reasonable runway for preparation.

The maximum number of students, staff, service providers and volunteers for CCA and school activities that are low-risk and/or involve intermingling of students beyond class and across levels should be capped at 50 per activity. Where possible, the composition of adults and students should be fixed to minimise inter-mingling.

Schools can choose to form a combined group between two schools, or across school types (e.g. between mainstream schools, between SPED schools and between mainstream and SPED schools).

  • The objective(s) of the collaboration should be to provide students with the opportunity to perform in a larger ensemble setting and/or further promote the development of students’ CCE 2021.
  • Schools need to ensure that students’ opportunities to learn and participate in the SYF AP in both schools are not compromised as a result of the formation of a combined group.
  • Schools participating as a combined group is considered one entry.

Bands that involve performers who are not current students of the school will be disqualified.

All performers, including percussionists, must remain on stage for the duration of the performance.

Each student may participate in up to three AP sub-categories. However, considering the reduced participant numbers, and to allow more students to participate in the AP, students should not participate in more than one AP category in 2021.

SYF 2021 Programming

There is no set piece for SYF 2021 AP.

All participating bands will perform either one or two choice piece(s) in each of their chosen subcategory/sub-categories. Schools will thus be able to select repertoire that best meets student readiness due to impact of COVID on CCA training.

To minimise COVID-19 risks, student representative(s) are not required to introduce the programme.

The total duration of the choice piece(s) in each of the sub-categories must be between 3 to 7 minutes for Secondary School level and between 3 to 9 minutes for JC/MI level.

Schools are to keep their performance within the stipulated duration.

SYF 2021 Choice Piece(s)

Three copies of conductor scores for the choice piece(s) must be submitted at the registration desk at the AP venue on the day of AP concerned. These scores will be duly destroyed at the end of each day. Please do not submit original scores.

  • Playing in unison is discouraged. Prolonged solo performance with or without accompaniment is not allowed.
  • Bands may not present a choice piece that their school performed at the SYF 2019 AP for Band.
  • Vocal accompaniment, electric guitars, electric pianos, synthesisers, organs and all other electronic devices are not allowed.

SYF 2021 Logistics

Standard percussion instruments will be provided for the Band (Flexible Band) and Band (Percussion Ensemble) sub-categories.

Band (Flexible Band)

  • Schools must adhere to the fixed seating plans provided. Preset chairs and music stands may not be moved during the AP.

Band (Brass Ensemble and Woodwind Ensemble)

  • Schools must adhere to the fixed seating plans provided. Pre-set chairs and music stands may not be moved during the AP.

Band (Percussion Ensemble)

  • All percussion instruments are left at the rear of the stage as a default, as shown in the stage plan. These instruments must be restored to their original positions at the rear of the stage after the performance.

SYF 2021 Awards

SYF 2021 AP participating schools have the option to be benchmarked for AP certification on their performance on an opt-in basis.

All participating schools will continue to receive feedback from the panel of adjudicators, and all
participating students will be recognised in LEAPS 2.0 under ‘special provision’ regardless of the CCA group’s decision to opt for AP certification or not.

Certificate of Distinction ≥ 75.0
Certificate of Accomplishment 60.0 – 74.9
Certificate of Commendation ≤ 59.9

The decision of the panel of adjudicators is final and no appeals will be entertained.

Submission of video-recording of SYF 2021 school-based rehearsal

If AP 2021 is cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation, schools should submit a video-recording of one school-based rehearsal held in March 2021.

All schools will be provided with adjudicators’ written feedback based only on their video performances. No AP certification will be awarded for schools in this situation.

Specifications for the video submission are as follows:

  • Layout: Landscape mode
  • Quality: 1920 X 1080 HD
  • Format: .mp4 or .mov file
  • Frame rate: At least 30p
  • Audio: Source from video camera or DSLR is recommended (avoid mobile phones due to lower quality audio)

The video should feature the performing group in its entirety and filmed in a quiet environment. It should be taken in any one sitting in March 2021, with the date of rehearsal stated.

No audio or video editing are permitted.

AP 2021 Online Showcase

An online showcase of the performances in April 2021 by participating schools will be organised in May 2021 to allow public audiences to view the AP.

Hence, schools should obtain the necessary copyright clearance to enable their performances to be video-recorded for online release.

Article Published by Band Post

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