Three-point lighting for Great Shots | SYF 2021

We are a group of professional videographers and musicians with over 10 years of experience recording concerts and performances. We are here to provide our experience to record high quality SYF 2021 performances in the event that SYF 2021 is cancelled due to Covid-19

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What is the 3 Point Lighting Set-Up?  💡

The most basic lightning set-up to provide you an all around lightning with good depth. It consists of 3 components: Key Light, Fill Light and the Back Light.

  • Key light: The key light is the strongest, providing most of the light in the shot. It’s generally placed in front of your subject, around 45-degrees above and 45-degrees to the right or left.
  • Fill light: This is a softer light, used to fill in shadows on the subject’s face. It should be positioned to the side, opposite the key light. The intensity of the fill light is usually around half that of the key light.
  • Back light: The back light (sometimes called a rim light) creates depth and provides a soft glow in the background. It’s placed above and behind the subject (out of the shot).

If you have a limited budget?

Considering opting away with the back light. The backlight is there to create depth, but it’s not essential. More importantly, your subject has to be well lit in order for good results.

In addition, consider replacing one of your lights will natural lighting! There are drawbacks to relying on natural light however. The sun can be too intense, casting harsh shadows on your subject. It also moves and changes in intensity as the weather shifts and clouds pass overhead. All of these can affect the light and color quality and make it difficult to achieve consistency in your shots.

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